
south dakota manufacturing HQ

Common Questions and Aswers

Please review questions and answers here, or ask your own below.

Are Dealerships available in my area?

Possibly. We would need to know where you are located as we do have open areas. Please give us a call or e-mail.

What is the cost of products offered?

Pricing of course varies depending on transportation cost to your Dealer. We can e-mail you a price sheet on products picked up at our plant and if we know where you are located, we will forward your price request to your nearest outlet.

What gauge material is in a bale feeder?

All feeder bovine sides have an 11-gauge bottom pipe, 14-gauge top and mid rail, 14-gauge neck bars, 11-gauge corners, 16-gauge sheeting and ½ inch connecting rod.

Equine feeders are made out of the same materials but of course have no top rail.

Can Horse Stalls be attached to an existing wall to be used as the back of the stall?

Yes. We can build brackets to be attached to your wall and to the side panel. We would add that it is best to fasten to a flat wall surface such as plywood for cleaning and animal safety. Top and bottom fastening points should be made into 2×6 lumber at a minimum.

Can Horse Stalls be installed in rows?

Yes. Panel front’s and backs can be joined together so that one side panel services two stalls.

Example, a 3-stall system would utilize 3 front panels, 3 rear panels and 4 side panels. 

What lumber is needed for a Horse Stall?

We recommend the use of standard 2 x 8 lumber. A cut list of material per panel is available and will be returned via e-mail as per request. 

What sizes are Ag Toppers available in?

Ag Toppers are manufactured in accordance to the measurement provided by the customer. A handy measurement video and form are found on the Ag Topper page.

How much does a bale feeder weigh and how can it be transported?

Single Bale bovine feeder weigh #460, double bovine weigh #685, single equine feeders weigh #520.

Single bale feeders can be transported unassembled in a standard pickup truck bed.

Double bale feeders require an area 54 inches by 14 ½ feet so a standard car trailer will suffice.

Are custom colors available?

Yes. We can and have primed and painted products as per customer preference. There will be an additional charge but it is possible. 

Can I purchase Feed Panels and add the bunk portion at a later date?

YES. This is the beauty of our system. You can install the bunk portion at any time as all panels are pre-punched with bunk mounting capabilities. We may also add that our bunk attachment can possibly be added to some fence-line feed panels with the addition of optional mounting brackets that we can produce using your existing panel measurements.

How are Feed Panels installed?

Feed panels have three mounting tabs on each end of the panel that have ½ inch holes in them to fasten panels to a post and are aligned so that panel end tabs will match overlap so two panels can be joined together on the same post.

How many cattle will a bale feeder service?

This will vary according to the type of animal utilizing the feeder. As a rule of thumb, we use 1 ½ foot of feeder space for animals under 800 pounds and 30 inches for cattle over 800 pounds.

A single bale feeder is 32 feet in outside measurement so 21 cattle under 800 pounds and 12 for cattle over 800. 

How big is a bale feeder when assembled?

A single Bale Feeder takes up an area 8 feet by 8 feet, a double feeder is 8 feet by 14 ½ feet. This applies to both bovine and equine types.

Please contact with your own questions or feedback.